
Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Today I have contacted Lucy Harvey a makeup artist in Christchurch. I have sent her an email and if I get no reply I might ring her up. This is her phone number…. 021 23 44 508

Her response…
Hi Rose,

My best advice would be to remember that makeup is not what makes a person beautiful. The most beautiful people in the world are those who are kind and loving,  their beauty shines from within.
When it comes to applying makeup,  you want to emphasise the person's best features, not try and make them look like someone else. The best makeup artists apply just a little makeup, enough so that the person looks wonderful, but not so much you can tell they are wearing it.
Of course, for special occasions, or creative makeup you can use your imagination creativity and have a lot of fun.

I hope that helps with your project,
By the way, went to Selwyn House a very very long time ago!

Kind regards
Lucy Harvey

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Hi, everyone!
 I have just uploaded a new youtube video! I would love if you would check it out. This video is about me trying to out on fake eyelashes.  Click here to cheek it out!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Hi,  have decided on some new video ideas

My next youtube videos~

Hair playlist~ French Braid on yourself
                     Dutch braid on yourself 
                      3 School hairstyles
                     Upside down french braid
                     3 tumblr hairstyles

Makeup~      Fake eyelashes #1 and #2
                    Blue eyes makeup
                    Green eyes makeup
                    Brown eyes makeup
                    Hazel eyes makeup

Hello everyone I have been researching some new video ideas. I have decided that I will make a new playlist/series of videos. Here are my options~

1. Hacks (Life hacks, beauty hacks, Pintrist hacks, school hacks ect.)

2. School ( School hair, makeup, hacks ect.)

3. Hair ( Styles, hacks, looks ect.)

I would love you help to pick one of these or comment your ideas! Also please vote on my form.

Rose xox
Hello everyone sorry I haven't posted for a while.
Yesterday i had my first mentor meeting here are all my notes….

  1. Need a new camera with good quality
  2. check youtube for camera quality section
  3. Look for camera lights
  4. Make sure good quality videos
  5. Play with iMovie 
  6. Lighting